The world's undisputed Number One sport is football. That is, soccer--not the fully-armored American version, or the grunting exhibition of Neanderthal manhood those weird Australian blokes call rugby. Aside from the Olympic Summer Games, the World Cup of football is the only other quadrennial athletic competition that pits countries, not teams, against one another across international borders.
China, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei--all our Asian neighbors are football-crazy. And yet, the Philippines has no strong grassroots football program, no viable professional football league and no rockstar-grade football heroes.
That has always befuddled me. Why would the Philippines--this whole nation of sub-six-footers with short stocky legs--insist on wanting to slamdunk a leather ball very few can grab hold with one hand, into a ten-foot high ring even fewer could clamber up with two hands?
Haven't we vertically-challenged Filipinos realized that we could be enormously more competitive kicking around a soccer ball that's always on the ground?
Bespectacled all my life (I've worn prescription glasses since age 3), it was not my ambition to pay basketball, never excelled in it nor did I even try. Even when it was a compulsory sport in P.E. classes in Baguio City High School (BCHS) where I went to high school, I was always given the simplest play instruction by the high school coach: just keep running up and down the court, don't ever hold the ball. The team's pointguard, would often improve on that instruction. "If I get trapped by the defense and I'm forced to pass the ball to you, call timeout immediately!"
Other guys boasted of varsity team records for most points scored (the record was 38 points in one game by one player), most number of steals, shots blocked, assists, and so on. In four years at City High, I scored five points--two of them on freethrows in the dying minutes of a blown-out game my nerdy team was losing anyway. It's entirely possible I hold the worst record in the school's history.
Speaking of schools, Baguio City is the educational capital of the north. As if it wasn't enough that every school and university in the city has a basketball court--very often two: one indoor and a second one al fresco--every barangay has one, too. Second only to a barangay hall, the most common infrastructure project in Baguio is the obligatory "barangay covered court."
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I studied elementary here in Baguio Central School from 1970 to 1976 and played basketball baking in the hot sun in this decidedly uncovered court. Finally in 2013, DepEd decided to construct a steel roof over it. Maybe a bit too late. Children today don't really play active sports anymore. They prefer to play virtual games on the computer. |
None of it is a waste of space, of course. These covered courts double as disaster evacuation centers, polling precincts, and public function venues including the most eagerly-anticipated for--your ubiquitous annual barangay fiesta "dance-for-all."
Garage sales, bingo games, political campaign rallies, graduations, rock concerts, beauty pageants, Christmas parties, funeral wakes, sunday masses, evangelism outreaches, child daycare centers, art exhibits, zumba workouts--the list of activities usually held in a covered basketball court is literally endless. I may have stumbled on the silent reason behind basketball's popularity, the secret of its community-binding power.
If you have a car that can take you anywhere you like, you will love to drive even if you never make it to the Indy 500. Similarly, when you have a basketball court that allows you to do a thousand other things, then you might as well bounce that rubber ball while waiting for the opening ceremonies of the next event. Playing alongside Stephen Curry or Lebron James is just a delusion never happening, but you shouldn't care. It is not the game itself that brings the community together, it's all the timeouts in between. Forget the score of the game, just live the dream for the moment. So you're 5-foot-3, never mind. The next time you pass by an ukay-ukay shop just pick up a jersey with the name "Bryant" or "Jordan" on it, get on the court and just start running, whether or not you can score.
Come to think of it, my high school coach's instruction to me actually makes sense. Now.
NOTE FROM JOEL: Hi, folks! Recently, I started a YouTube channel which is called "Parables and Reason" It is kind of similar to this blog content-wise. You can check out my channel by clicking the link below:
"Whaaat is he doing," I thought, "trying to win some kind of most unpopular mayor title?" Those are four of the most elaborately-prepared city programs that have become iconic of Baguio City. Cancelling the Panagbenga alone rises to the scale of scrapping New Year's eve--like it could be done. Athletes competing in the CARAA have not only paced their training all year to peak at the precise time of the meet opening--they have even run some of the preliminary heats already when the shocking announcement came.
Saying that I struggled to give Mayor Magalong the benefit of all my doubt is an understatement. I seriously considered formally conveying my unsolicited cautionary advice to him: "this is political suicide, Your Honor."
I'm glad I didn't. In my entire life, I have never been so happy to be wrong.
By this week's end, THIRTY MILLION PEOPLE on Planet Earth will have been infected by the coronavirus. Close to ONE MILLION PEOPLE would have died from the disease. These are World Health Organization (WHO) figures, confirmed by Johns Hopkins University.
Do the math. One death in thirty people is a fatality rate of 3.3 percent. Baguio's resident population in 2020 is 372,680. If we ever hit that fatality rate, we need to dig 12,298 graves if we can find an area eight hectares wide. Burnham Park is only five hectares. We need TWO Burnham Parks.
Back in March, the metrics of "superspreader" events were not even known yet. The mayor issued his order on March 9, 2020. The NBA in the US issued their order to suspend the basketball season only on March 11--two days later. The city of New York did not even go into full lockdown until March 18--more than one week later. New York, particularly, is a sobering comparison. A city of 18,804,000 residents, some 453,000 of them contracted COVID-19--an infection rate of 2.4 percent. If 2.4 percent of Baguio's residents were infected by the coronavirus, 8,944 of us would be on ventilators right now.
Out of the 18,804,000 population of New York, 32,682 have died of COVID-19 or a mortality-to-population rate of 0.1738-percent. If 0.1738-percent of Baguio's population died of COVID-19, we would be burying 6,477 people. But that's a misleading statistic. Why would you count the number of people who died against the number of people who did not even get the disease? You should count how many of those who did get the disease died from it.
In New York, out of the 453,000 who contracted coronavirus, 32,682 of them died or a more meaningful mortality-to-infection rate of 7.2-percent. If Baguio did nothing to fight COVID-19 and the whole city was infected, 26,832 would need embalming--or not. We probably have no choice but to cremate that many cadavers---three times the number of registered voters in Irisan Barangay. If we had needed eight hectares to bury 12,298 dead with the low death rate assumption of 3.3 percent, we need double that--or sixteen hectares to dispose of all the dearly-departed at a 7.3 percent mortality rate.To make a long story short, if you "low-ball" it, 12,298 Baguio residents would be dead. On the other hand, if you "high-ball" it 26,832 would be gone if the pandemic were to end today. If it persists for a few more months--maybe even years--all bets are off. If might be easier to count the living.
So, no--Mayor Benjie Magalong did not commit political suicide when he made what I thought were crappy decisions last March. In fact, if he had not made them, he would have committed genocide.
I like to rub the exaggeration pedal-to-the-metal, so to speak. Donald Trump once claimed that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and he would still not lose a single vote. Maybe, but if he shot ten people I doubt it.
Benjie Magalong could set up a 50-caliber machinegun in Malcolm Square and use up eight ammo boxes of 1,200 rounds each cutting down as many pedestrian as he can and he would still have killed LESS people than in the mildest COVID mortality scenario.
It is totally absurd, of course, but the fact is if he only spared one ammo box, he would still have saved 1,200 lives that would have died from COVID-19. That ridiculously makes him a "hero" of a magnitude not even Donald Trump can match.
Baguio City Mayor Benjie Magalong has been named the country's contact-tracing czar because of the city's tremendous success in limiting the spread of coronavirus, He was able to devise a way to break not just the linear transmission chain but to disrupt the fission-like expansion of the transmission web. He did this by adopting a reverse approach to containing an infection spread, by looking at viral transmission not as a function of population but of geographic area.
Other contract tracers around the world would follow one person and find out who that person had interacted with, say within the last 24 or 48 hours. If that person had interacted with two people, then the tracing steam was split and chased down these other two. This means the tracing team was always one step behind, and was getting thinned out with every cycle of infection-transmission down the line.
Mayor Magalong used a different strategy, which I describe as kind of "hamletting concept" for lack of a better term. He was not interested in just one infected person or who he interacted with in the last 24 or 48 hours. He wanted to know where he lived. Then his teams would literally draw on a map a large-enough radius, called the "hot zone." Then they set about interviewing not only that one infected person but any number of his neighbors to find out who had come in or gone out of the hot zone within the incubation period of the virus. As households were cleared one by one of any possible contact, the radius of the hot zone was gradually narrowed until eventually it zoomed in on the one house where that infected person lived.
In other words, Mayor Magalong's team would start outside the hot zone and close in, instead of starting from one point and moving infinitely outward as the web of transmission grew colder by the day. He also devised a very efficient handoff mechanism so that if one tracer team on the east side of the city determined that a possible infection contact had crossed over to the west side of the city, the details were forwarded to a team already in place on the west side. Teams stayed put in areas where they were assigned, where they knew every household, every point of ingress or egress, and where they knew practically every resident and his travel history. Most importantly, all contract tracing data were encoded into a database which printed out infection density charts in realtime. If infection had spilled out of one barangay because of smartaleck violators (the so-called "pasaways") Mayor Magalong locked down 2 or 3 more barangays surrounding it or shared a common point of ingress or egress with it.
Downtown, he required business establishments to log in all visits by customers, suppliers, staff--no body was exempted. He observed foot traffic and came to some amazing observations. He discovered that several infections in scattered barangays with no cross-traffic was due to a factor nobody could have seen: the infected residents had all passed though a narrow congested sidewalk in Mabini Street, where social distancing was all but impossible. He quickly split the pedestrian traffic flow into one-way ascending, one-way descending on opposite sides of the street. Almost instantly, the infection spreadout associated with the area suddenly dropped. In fact, he had already instituted the same system along Session Road earlier and wondered why the effect was minimal, until he realized that all the sidestreets need to be split-laned too, including Assumption Road and General Luna.
Mayor Magalong was the former head of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG). During that stint, he had developed a remarkably efficient strategy of locating persons mingling among the general population over many years of forming elite "tracker teams" on the hunt for wanted fugitives.
But contract-tracing COVID-19 stretched his ingenuity to the limit. There's a huge difference between serving an arrest warrant and trying to catch a submolecular virus. When you're looking for a fugitive, you know a lot of basic information about his appearance and other physical traits that even if the person were to employ some form of disguise, he can only deviate so much from his basic appearance. CIDG tracker teams were equipped with up to five levels of cartographic variations, they hardly bother with less essential traits. A fugitive can't change his height or weight, only is face, hair and voice. Still, those are only three elements.
When Mayor Magalong set out to track down COVID infected persons, he knew it could be anybody with a million faces for a possibility. The virus has a million disguises--but just like the fugitives the CIDG hunted down, its modus operandi was well-known. The virus droplets could be aerosolized but strictly speaking it was not airborne. The virus does not fly. If it did, not even an N-95 mask can protect anybody, we would all need self-contained breathing systems and full biohazard suits. So the city went convent-strict with face masks not so much so you can't inhale the virus, but so you can't cough it out.
I discovered this first hand in town when I briefly peeled off my face mask to drink from a water bottle. Although the three policemen near me eyed me warily with raised eyebrows, they did not make a move right away. But when I let out a few stifled coughs after poorly swallowing the water, those three cops were instantly around me. They were not going to arrest me, they hardly even accosted me. One of them explained that they quickly formed a three-man wall around me so that the wind would not carry my aerosolized cough droplets. No wonder it is them who were clad in full white coveralls and industrial gas masks during the height of the ECQ. And that's the most prominent element of the Magalong plan: high enforcement visibility and marshall saturation. I have never seen downtown Baguio crawling with so many cops since martial law. And they were not shy or silent, either. Megaphone in hand, they recited points of the city safety protocols like they were going through the five sorrowful mysteries of the rosary. I was impressed.
The system Mayor Magalong designed, which is now being copied all over the country and even abroad, was a product of science and common sense--but that is an oversimplification. The system has so many fine adjustments and situation-specific variables, I dioubt if it can be completely and accurately replicated outside of Baguio City. It has multiple components, including methodology, data collection forms, database design, training programs, demographic studies, mapping studies, triage protocols---people who thought they could invite him for a one-day or even one-week seminar and be able to understand and implement a similar system are bound to be disappointed. The concept needs an indispensable element: Mayor Magalong.
Recently, I launched my own YouTube channel and I did a short video on the COVID-19 pandemic in Baguio, from another perspective. You can view that video by clicking the image link below:
NOTE FROM JOEL: Hi, folks! Recently, I started a YouTube channel which is called "Parables and Reason" It is kind of similar to this blog content-wise. You can check out my channel by clicking the link below:
As a young boy growing up in Baguio in the 60s and 70s, I would always wind up in this prayer garden with a few other little boys my age. Usually, it's at the end of a daylong "hunting trip" for small birds which we shot with our home-made rubberband slingshots--called palsi-it. I know it's not politically-correct to brag about such exploits today. But in my defense, no endemic bird populations were yet endangered in 1967. Add to this I must have been a cross-eyed little twerp back then because in reunion chats with friends 50 years later none of them seems to remember me ever hitting prey. I might have clipped one or two on the wing but not badly enough to ground the little critters who always managed to flay away.
Full to our stomachs on wild red berries, we would stretch out on the many outdoor pews in front of Saint Martin's statue, gazing up to the skies counting as many animal cloud shapes as we could recognize. It was a healing time, too, as we took stock of how many little cuts we had on our bare hands and legs, bushwhacking through thickets of talahib or runo--a local woody shrub with long bladelike leaves. A few crushed leaves of bitter marapait (local wild sunflower) was a little boy's first-aid kit. The juicy poultice applied to open cuts stung really bad but, believe it or not, instantly stopped any bleeding. Are you paying attention, Pfizer Laboratories?
So I felt a little sad for Saint Martin as I watched the transformation of his garden. I felt sorry for myself too for waiting this long to even get curious about who he was and what he did in life. Apparently, Saint Martin de Porres (1579-1639) was a Peruvian lay brother of the Dominican order. He was the illegitimate son of a Spanish nobleman and a woman who was a freed slave of African-Native American descent.
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Although not among the superstars in the pantheon of Vatican saints, St. Martin de Porres is nontheless popular in Latin and North America, earning a panel in the glass-stained windows of St. Dominic's Church in Washgington, |
The supreme offer of self-sacrifice so touched the other monks that they decided to defy Peruvian law and made him take his priestly vows discreetly. This forced his personal ministry underground as he embarked on a daily struggle to keep a low profile in a cat-and-mouse game with church and government hierarchy.
Back in the day, no person of color is permitted to rise in fame. This proved difficult in his case because he made performing healing miracles so commonplace. He brought his healing outreaches to underprivileged communities who, having no money to give him, could not keep their mouths shut with thousands of eyewitness testimonies of his miraculous works. In time, even jealous white monks shed all pretenses of godliness and openly resisted his rise to prominence, calling him nothing but a celebrated black dog (I often wondered why there was a black dog standing beside his statue!).
You can say Saint Martin is the earliest voice of Black Lives Matter. He fearlessly broke quarantine rules during the Black Plague to care for colored communities. People of color showing symptoms of the bubonic plague were often corralled in medical concentration camps denied all forms of medication that were reserved for the white population.
It is said that Saint Martin endlessly went in and out those heavily-sealed human containments with some obvious divine intervention because locked iron gates flung open on his approach. The plague took a heavy casualty toll on whites just as it is said that hardly anyone succumbed to the pandemic in the rejected communities that Saint Martin visited.
To believe the accounts of his many other miracles--such as being engulfed in flames during prayer, bilocation or being in two places simultaneously--for some agnostics may be a bridge too far. But that a man named Martin de Porres actually lived is factual history. And after a long deliberative process in the cloistered innards of the Vatican, he was finally beatified in 1837 by Pope Gregory XVI and canonized as a saint on May 6, 1962 by Pope John XXIII. Interestingly, this beatification is recognized not just by the Roman Catholic church but also by the Lutheran Church and the Anglican Communion. He is assigned the feast day of November 3--my own father's birthday.
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We lay on these stone pews in St. Martin's prayer garden after we had gorged on wild red berries that grew around the yard. Sadly these pews are gone. The garden iself is gone. |
If the Prayer Garden of Saint Martin de Porres had still been around today, it's straight where I'm headed to medidate and ponder some more. And to look if any of those wild berries were still around...
Note: Recently, I launched a YouTube channel and I featured some of this material in a short video, which you can watch by clicking the image link below:
NOTE FROM JOEL: Hi, folks! Recently, I started a YouTube channel which is called "Parables and Reason" It is kind of similar to this blog content-wise. You can check out my channel by clicking the link below:
otorcycle dealers have a reason to be happy with the prevailing corona virus pandemic. After years of sluggish sales, suddenly scooters and motorcycles are all the rage in Baguio City these days. Two-wheeled personal transport is just what the doctor ordered--no, not that doctor--only the one that goes with the figure of speech.
For a very long time Baguio City has not been the most friendly environment for motorcycles. They're not allowed to pass through Session Road except after 7:00 p.m. Whenever the police set up roadside checkpoints to enforce a night curfew, cars are generally waved through but for some reason all motorcycles are always flagged down for inspection.
What's to inspect in a vehicle that has no roof, doors, hood or trunk? The usual explanation is, to serve as a deterrent in the wake of the increased frequency of crimes committed by perpetrators "riding-in-tandem" on motorcycles. This makes no sense at all.
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Two large SBARRO pizza's each one the size of a laundry basin? No problem, Baguio's "pizza cowboys" will stack 'em, rack 'em, tie them down and deliver them to your front door steaming hot. |
In a common scenario when a car is parked illegally, only its license plate is detached and confiscated. In the worst scenario involving a motorcycle, the whole thing is hauled off into the back of a paddy wagon and impounded at the police yard.
Until just recently, there were no exclusive parking zones for motorcycles. Motorcycle theft was rampant and because these little machines were easy to take apart, one's chances of recovering a stolen motorcycle before it vanished in a chop-shop is close to zero. On the other hand, if you choose to park it in the safety of a popular shopping mall's guarded indoor carpark, the parking rate is the same as for a full-sized SUV despite the lopsided difference in tonnage, rationale unknown.
These are only a handful of the many annoyances of owning a motorcycle in Baguio City. Add to this the finger-numbing experience of riding an open-type of vehicle in the city's nippy climate and you can understand why anybody who rides them must be totally enamored with the thing.
Enter Coronavirus pandemic. When the first round of Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) went into effect back in March, all public transportation ground to a halt. Suddenly, motorcycles were the only viable alternative transportation especially for those who had no choice but to go out and about. The authorities forbade travelling in closed vehicles except in severely reduced capacities. This made motorcycles--the only transportation without passenger containment--the logical solution to moving law enforcement, medical first responders and other frontliners around.
Soon it became apparent that if you would only deputize a small motley crew of motorcycle riders to ferry materials around, then the circulation and distribution of all basic goods is essentially restored even with the general population quarantined at home.
At first it only involved the obvious help already available--pizza delivery boys, mail or package couriers and such. Then it became obvious that food being the quintessential, indeed most existential need had to be the first subject of massive, sustained and repetitive distribution.
Two companies had only recently set up operations in Baguio to test the market for call-up door-to-door food delivery, Grab Food and Food Panda. After a touch-and-go and shaky opening season pre-COVID, both exploded in an overnight success. The surge in phoned-in food orders swelled in such volume those two companies were no longer bringing snacks to the doorsteps . They were practically engaged in disaster-proportion food relief operations more efficiently than even the government could muster. Who would have thought?
Unfortunately, it did little to improve people's nutrition overall since they specialized in pizza and other fastfood delivery only for the most part. After all, it had required a complicated arrangement with fastfood outlets to take care of payment remittance, especially in this day and age of G-cash and credit cards. Ordinary restaurants with more diverse menus, as well as most general merchandise stores, were not set up for it. Fastfood franchises had the jump on them but even so to this day orders are still strictly cash-on-delivery (COD) and in the exact amount, too--"keep the change." Riders have no guaranteed ability to break up large bills. In the other end, cashless transaction is the only choice between the fastfood company and the bike courier because of the large amounts and huge volume of transactions involved. Therefore, although invisible throughout, banks were right in the middle of these transactions.
A way needed to be found to cut out the middle man. Enterprising rider groups in the city hastily put together other new variants of the service. This time it involved the consumer himself directly outsourcing the running of pick-up errands. This transformed the motorcycle rider into an independent self-employed service contractor. With no boss to mind, working anytime and any number of hours he picked, he also gets to keep the whole proceeds of his labor. Best of all--at least for now--he pays no taxes.
From the economic standpoint, it was the ultimate leveling of the playing field, an empowerment of the powerless. An ertswile-unemployed motorcyclist simply had to post his mobile phone number on Facebook and other social media, people called him up and asked him to pick up a bottle of aspirin at Mercury Drug and paid him up front when the aspirin is delivered. It worked for as long as the drug was obtainable over-the-counter without a prescription and it didn't cost way too much for the minimally-capitalized motorcyclist to cover in advance. It was that neat and simple, no need to download any apps, set up complicated remittance accounts--most of the people subscribing to this meatball operation's services didn't even bother to ask for receipts.
After this, sky literally was the limit. Food, hardware, medicine, a jerry can of gas, packages of all sizes and shapes, perhaps a replacement for a busted and critically-needed USB phone charger, a sack of dog food for pampered Fifi--the list of possibilities was endless. If Mohammed cannot come to the mountain, the mountain can come to Mohammed, indeed--thanks to this formerly vilified intrepid community of two-wheeled messengers. Now, they hardly even deliver just messages alone but haul anything else that could fit in their topboxes or be strapped to it with bungee cords.
On second thought, even real doctors are happy about the whole thing, not just the doctor of metaphors. The arrangement limited the opportunities for crowd-spreading coronavirus. Plus the motorcylce riders always wore full-faced helmets that were more impregnable than any N-95 mask. With the lowering of the community quarantine to more permissive levels, the once illegal "riding-in-tandem" now saves the day for those who simply cannot work from home and must go to an office or other work place. Motorcycle cabs--angkas they are called--is now a fast-growing subsector of the mass transportation industry.
For the motorcycle rider--remember he works for no one but himself and gets to keep the whole profits from his labor--ferrying goods and people today probably pays off better now than acting as accomplice to a petty crime. Criminals must be having a tough time booking a ride these days. In this way, the motorcycle errand industry is helping lower the crime rate as well.
From being labeled undeservedly as the grand annoyance of the transportation community, these motorcyclists now keep the entire city safe from COVID-19, well-fed, well-supplied, well-mobilized and even well away from being victimized by crime.
So I say the government does owe these long-persecuted motorcyclists an apology. (all photos copyright 2020 Joel R. Dizon)
RECENTLY, I also l started my own YouTube channel and I made a short video about Baguio City's COVID-19 pandemic experience. You can view that video by clicking the image link below:
NOTE FROM JOEL: Hi, folks! Recently, I started a YouTube channel which is called "Parables and Reason" It is kind of similar to this blog content-wise. You can check out my channel by clicking the link below: